Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009

Monday, December 1, 2008


Well, the kids and I went to Stephenville to spend the holiday with my mom , my sister and family and my brother and his family.....It was really good....We had not been, since June. When we went to Proctor Lake for a week, they all came over for a visit. So, it was sooo good to see everyone. I got to hold and LOVE my new newphew(Trenton), it was just great.

So, my mom wanted pics of all the grandkids together....that make 10. They all wore white shirts and jeans....lets just say that I took over 350 pics...yes, that is right.....some were deleted along the way...but, ended up with @ 325.....
We thought that they turned out really good.....

Hope you think so...Love Ya


Liss and MOMMY said...

I love the pictures! You did a great job or maybe it's you have really great looking kids. Maybe a little of both...

Tandy Adams said...

I think you did an awesome job on your photos! I think the white shirts look really sharp! IMPRESSIVE! You have a beautiful family! Lova ya sista!

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