Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have recently had somethings in my life happen...And it makes me so happy that I have GREAT girlfriends to talk it over with...they listen , always .......cause, you know I talk a lot....hehe ...

Anyway, they give advice and most of all they give SUPPORT......I LOVE them with all my HEART!!! I'm so lucky to have them in my life. When I first moved to Tulia ( almost 16 years ago) I knew no one...and it was very sad for me.

But, when Bailey was 2 , I was introduced to a great gal.....Tish....she just took me right in and it did help that she had a boy( T) who was 2 too. So, we became fast friends.....there have been times in our years that we not see that much of each other.....she was going to school, I was working, she was working, she was going to school....but, we have always stayed the past she was there supporting me and I hope I was there to support her....we both have twins....another

I have many others gals too....Tandy(sister-in-law), she is more than that......more of a sister to me....I'm closer to her than my own sis.....we have always had lots of fun together......she is really good to my kids too. Plus, many others ......the list goes on and on......

I LOVE YOU ALL......Forever


Tandy Adams said...

Aww... thanks Sher! I love you too! I'm so lucky to have you, and you are always there for me! I'm so glad my boys have such great cousins! I'm very blessed to have you as a sister-in-law, sister and friend!

Tish said...

You are so sweet!! I treasure our friendship and know that you are always there for me. You are such a blessing to me and my family. You're the best...Love ya

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