Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is the big day....I went out and voted this morning...Wow , it is so great to live in a country that gives us the freedom to express our opinions. It feels great.....Each one of my kids have asked me today...when I picked them up from school....Mom did you vote? I answered yes....Did Dad, not yet but as soon as he gots off work he will.....It is just wonderful to see them so excited about the whole concept of voting for president..... I do not remember that as a kid....I do not remember asking my parents about whether they voted or not and who for.....maybe it is just my age and too much time has passed that I do not remember ....or if it was not talked about and discussed at school in such great detail as it has been this year....We are making history after all...wether it is the first black president or the first female VP(which is what I am hoping for) ......this is a day that will be remembered in history forever.....


Tandy Adams said...

Amen sista! I wish the outcome had been different but oh well! Obama is our Pres and I will respect... I guess! ;)

I love your background.... I started to pick it!

Tori said...

It's amazing that everyone seems to have a great attitude about this whole deal. Might as well, huh. I agree that it is awesome that we have the freedom to vote.

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